lunedì 11 luglio 2022

NERO PINOCCHIO. A L'a/telier di Modica, la mostra fotografica di Raffaello De Vito.



Mostra fotogafica
Raffaello De Vito

Dal 17 luglio al 31 agosto 2022
Vernissage: Sabato 16 luglio ore 19:30/21:30
Sarà presente l'artista

Via Pizzo n. 42, Modica (RG)

The blunt and sharp vision of the novel by Collodi supports the polymorphic structure that has always provided the key to multiple interpretations. In a deliberately patchy fashion, almost in parceled-out allotments, the goal is to show the reader the gloomiest nature of the story and its underlying Gothic vision; these are aspects that in the collective fictitious world, thanks to sugarcoated readings such as Disney’s, tend to get lost.

What may seem like a literary nuance is the undeniable reality of our everyday world: Pinocchio conned, chained, exploited, stabbed, hung, arrested, and unjustly imprisoned, embodies a similar situation to that of the migrants arriving in the "beautiful land of toys."

Our fairy tale, as well as the stories of abuse and violence that too often go along with the amalgamation of migrants from every land and every era, are the key to the reading of this section of “Black Pinocchio.” Raffaello De Vito

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